Contents introduction
- what is stresswise?
- another book on stress
- do you need teach yourself managing stress?
- the three sides of stress
- the story of frank
- how to use this book
part one: stress check - self-assessment
part two: awareness of the stress concept
- stress: a twenty-first century problem
- facing a new type of threat?
- what is stress?
- stress can be good, bad and ugly
- a definition of stress
- distress
- eustress
- the stress response
- why you need to learn about the stress response
- what is the stress response?
- on your marks
- get set
- go
- your emotions are revealed in your blood chemistry
- the power of the alarm response
- signs of stress
- linking the physiology of the stress response to the signs of stress
- assessing your signs and symptoms
- signs of distress
- signs of eustress
- the outward signs of hormone activity
- recognizing stress in others as well as yourself
- stress and health
- some stress-related disorders and diseases
- how the stress response can lead to ill health and death
- stress and performance
- the performance curve
- the effect of stress on industry, commerce and the professions
- sources of stress
- the nature of the demands
- Type A Behaviour
- life events
- family, social and work situations
part three: dealing with stress
- personal stress management planning: preparation
- improving coping ability
- altering demands
- reducing demands
- increasing demands
- learning to relax
- recharge your batteries
- are you breathing correctly?
- use biofeedback
- progressive and deep muscular relaxation
- meditation
- the benefits of relaxation
- lifestyle review
- diet
- caffeine
- alcohol consumption
- smoking
- fitness and exercise
- body weight
- sleep and rest
- modifying Type A Behaviour
- how does Type A Behaviour arise?
- unlearning Type A Behaviour
- Improving personal life skills
- increasing love and support
- enhancing self-esteem
- smiling, laughing and developing a sense of humour
- your personal stress management plan
- how to develop your stress management plan
- how to evaluate and revise your stress management plan
appendix I: scoring and evaluation
appendix II: products and services available from stresswise
More information