"Managing Stress is one of the better self help buys; it offers down to earth advice on relaxing and adjusting to demands of daily life... it is scientifically sound and more or less purged of scientific jargon.” Dr Louis Appleby, Institute of Psychiatry, London, on ‘All in the mind’ BBC Radio 4
"Interesting, thorough and useful. Managing Stress is a book I can heartily recommend to anyone determined to find out about how to make stress work for you rather than against you." Leslie Kenton. Health writer and broadcaster
"I purchased a copy of Teach Yourself Managing Stress a few months ago. Please allow me to first compliment you, I am so impressed with the information in the book as well as the tools and examples you give. In fact my wife and I went browsing the biggest and most popular book stores in Johannesburg (South Africa) and this book of yours was definitely the best find we came across." David Nel. October 2004
"I would like to congratulate you on your book Managing Stress. I have read several books on stress recently and yours is by far the best." Dr C (General Practitioner), Ipswich, Suffolk
"An educational self-help programme suitable for any individual wishing to learn about stress and how to deal with it. Emphasising an ‘holistic’ approach, this guide encourages you to develop practical coping strategies by recognising the social and biological causes and effects of stress. Unlike most other books on the subject it recognises you don’t have to work in an office to suffer from stress. Fifteen manageable chapters, with equal emphasis on recognising the causes and developing techniques to cope. Packed with detailed diagrams and useful questionnaires to help you work out what sort of person you are. The index, further reading sections and space for self evaluation make this a comprehensive primer." The Express, March 1998
"Managing Stress is an excellent and recommended book... it demystifies stress... it is accurate, lacks academic pomposity and has an endearing style." The Quarterly book review
"Managing Stress is clearly written and logically presented... the best description of the biology of stress I have come across; at last something good has been written. I will recommend that it be compulsive reading for prospective teachers of relaxation." A.V. (Teacher of relaxation), London
"Thankyou for writing such an easily understood book. I have searched libraries and bookshops for a book that would explain in simple terms what was happening to me... it has enabled me to discuss my problems with others." Reader. Glos.
"I have enjoyed your book; probably the most informative in style and format to date." Reader. Glasgow
Dr Louis Appleby, Institute of Psychiatry, London, on ‘All in the mind’ BBC Radio 4